Business Holiday Prep

For the longest time in my business ownership journey I would dread the holidays. 

It wasn’t that I didn’t enjoy time off with my family (I LOVE a good holiday) but just the thought of getting everything done in time to be able to step away and actually relax would fill me with stress and overwhelm. 

Do you get that feeling? It’s anxiety-inducing and definitely not the dream we imagined when we threw ourselves into business ownership… right?! 

It took me a few years to find a way out of this “holiday dread” scenario, but I now have a  “holiday prep” system in my multiple businesses that lets me close the laptop, mute notifications and get my festive on! 

And do you know what? It’s not hard! It just takes a bit of planning. 

Want to learn how to implement my “holiday prep” system in your business? 

I’m hosting a free masterclass on Tuesday, December 6 to teach you the exact steps I take and the checklist I run through. 

Whether you’re a business of 1 or leading a team of 10+ employees, join me to learn how to say goodbye to holiday overwhelm in your business and hello to genuine festive cheer!

It’s happening Tuesday, December 6 at 7.30pm AEDT — and I’ll absolutely send you the replay if you’re unable to join me live. 

At the end of our session you’ll have the tools and a clear plan to ensure: 

❌ No more writing 100 things on a pre-Christmas to-do list that you’ll never get done.

❌ No more spending your holidays stressed that you “missed something”.

❌ No more working when you should be holidaying! 

And who wouldn’t want that?! 

I hope you’ll join me.